Which digital input to use? Technics SU-R1000 or Technics SL-G700

First of all let me start by saying I've been an avid reader of the forums for quite some time but this is my first thread...

I have both the Technics SU-R1000 (Integrated) and the Technics SL-G700 (CD / SACD & Streamer).

I am using a Raspberry Pi running Roopieee with audio going out through a HiFiBerry Digi+ hat (optical).

I use this for Tidal / Qobuz and also my own digitised CD library.

I know that the  SL-G700 uses a dual mono DAC circuit (AK4497 from Asahi Kasei) but I am unsure of what the SU-R1000 uses.

Question is, which input should I be utilizing?

Digital in to the streamer with analogue out to the amp
Digital in to the amp 

Any opinions appreciated!

Thank you. 

Showing 7 responses by georgehifi

@georgehifi I always find your posts very helpful and informative regardless of whatever misspeak takes place.
Your welcome (or should that be "you are" or even "you’re") who cares!!!!!!!

Don’t have autocorrect, and it get’s across even with misspeak.
But seeing it’s bought up yet again, I’ll react just this once.

You have to understand I’m an Aussie, and couldn’t give a ratz a**e, (an Aussie polite slang saying for something much stronger).
Things like colour is wrong in the US but correct here, UK and Canada???????
And seeing we were all once British subjects at the start I think colour is the correct way.
Here "they’re" is the abbreviation for "they are" (numerous folk)
"their" (singular person).
You Yanks always pull me up on it, and to be honest I couldn’t give a ratz ****.

Cheers George
we are also pure divine light and love
how truly worthy and beautiful we all are
That’s more like it, back to normal.🙄

Even after I said your correct with adc not dac and that I made a mistake.

Really!!! typical, you are a legend in your own mind. 🙄

I preferred you as a peace love Woodstock kinda guy

You are correct, it being a adc not dac my mistake.

But I’ll hold firm in that
Even the 6 x digital inputs can be accessed as analog from the "rec out rca’s"
So it can be used as a stand alone dac also.

The Technics SU-R1000 has 6 x digital source inputs 2 x rca coax and 2 x Toslink optical. And from the looks 2 x mini usb type B? as well https://ibb.co/V20b4D2

And uses the Delta Sigma AKM AK5572 D/A converter dac chip.

It can be used as a stand alone poweramp (MAIN IN)
Or a standalone preamp (PRE OUT).

Even the converted digital can be accessed as analog from the "rec out rca’s"
So it can be used as a stand alone dac also.

Cheers George
I have the SU-R1000, but I wasn't super impressed with it's DAC.

Probably just token Delta Sigma dac being an AKM AK5572, I think many sound cards use them.
It's more about the amp maybe with a hi-end dac feeding it.
How does it sound btw??

Cheers George