which DAC to buy ?

If refinement is the first priority, which DAC would be your choice:

Dodson D-263
Kora Hermes (last version)
Audiomeca Enkianthus
Audio Aero Prima

Showing 3 responses by jcaudio

The Kora Hermes must be giving the Audiomeca product a run for it's money or I doubt you would have seen such a challenge from a product that costs over twice as much. look at the preferences from above threads. Part of the story is in the power supply. The Kora uses two Toroidal transformers. Look inside the Audiomeca.
Was that the 24/192 Hermes or the older 18 bit? We have had many customers compare to the Enkinanthus and prefer the Kora. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
The Keops just dropped in price. Was sold for $2800 just a couple of months ago. When you sold the 18 bit (older) Kora it sold for more than $1000 over the current price. Mr. Iasi has still not responded to whether or not it was an older Kora or one of the newer models. I would say that is pretty significant as many of the owners of the older series have upgraded and bought the newr ones. All having said that it was a huge improvement. The newest with Auricaps etc. even a bigger improvement. As I originally stated must be tough to have to issue a challenge to a unit which costs more than half the price of the Audiomeca. Customer could buy a nice transport, Power cable and digital cable for the difference.