Which DAC makers let you do in home trial?

I'm interested in comparing some DACS for purchase, maximum price about $1600, let's say.
Auditioning them is a hope.
I know that people can get speakers and sometimes amps on trials from manufacturers and from some brick and mortar shops.
So, my question to you all is:
Have you been able to audition DAC's in your home? Which companies with good at home trials and return policies (besides Ps Audio, which is great about that but their DAC is super expensive).
The alternative is just to take a shot in the dark, which I'd prefer not to do. I like to take time and assess before spending this kind of money.

Showing 4 responses by cal3713

iFi products are available around (e.g., Music Direct) with 30-day returns.  

Audio Mirror's baseline model (Tubadour III) has a home trial period too (7-10 days I think).

And I'll have to respectfully disagree with @djones51.  I demoed the Audio Mirror (special edition) against a Lampizator Amber 3, ifi iDSD pro, Matrix X-Sabre Pro, Shiit Bifrost 2, and PS Audio Directstream DAC and ended up with the AM.  It's a NOS R2R DAC.  It was the most musical DAC in my system (Don Sach's 2 Preamp, First Watt F4 monoblocks, Coincident PRE speakers).  I liked the iFi the second best.  
As @david_ten states, I agree there’s a lot to be gained by committing to a dac, but I also think that you learn a lot by comparing options side-by-side in your own system.

My approach was to order as many free-trial contenders as I could at the same time and then choose the winner. Sure, the dacs change over time, but you will also hear the basic differences in house sound at those early stages. If one’s in first place after 10 days of burning in, I highly doubt it could end up in last after 30. That comparison process will at the least give you solid "tiers" that are very unlikely to change no matter how long you spend with a particular dac.

Choose from the top tier and you’ll be happy, and will have learned enough not to be tempted by the new alternatives that pop up every month.
@david_ten No offense taken.  Definitely valid points. 

Also, if the system is in total flux, perhaps an even less expensive DAC would be a better option?  The Black Ice Glass fx dsd is one that comes to mind.  If you search for that in the threads, you'll see that it won an audioclub's dac shootout vs. some much more expensive competition.  I think the dealer that advertises on US audiomart does offer a return period.  

And although I have limited data points, my experience agrees with @lalitk .  The Matrix X-Sabre Pro I tried was the best measuring dac in the world a few months ago (as tested by audiosciencereview).  It was also the least compelling in my shootout.  I kept rotating dacs and comparing and always kind of dreaded when it was the Matrix's turn.  It sounded fine and I would have enjoyed it if I had no comparisons, but in contrast to the other dacs it just removed the emotion from the music.  
Agreed, +2. Speakers first.  Once you choose the speakers, post another thread here asking for amplifier recommendations for that particular speaker model.  Hopefully some others will already have done a lot of testing and you can then narrow down your choices to a couple of already successful pairings. 

And once you start auditioning, keep your eyes out for posters that are hearing the same things that you are when you listen to the same gear.  It's nice when you can find some reliable voices that have the same ears/preferences as you.  As you are aware, everyone thinks they know the truth, but obviously preferences differ, and I think ears/brains differ in how they process sound more than we realize.  Different people are sensitive to different aspects of sound and distortion and end up with different systems because of it.