Which computer for digitizing and streaming?

Hi All,

After five foot surgeries, I'm moving to digitize my LP collection. I will be buying a new computer which will be used exclusively as a music streamer. My question: does the computer matter other than the size of the hard drive? I could get a mini mac or a PC laptop; I'm not wedded to either format. Other than size of the hard drive, what, if any, other specs should I be on the lookout for?

Any advice recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

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Showing 1 response by almarg

I suspect that the most significant factor affecting the sonic quality you will end up obtaining is the quality of the A/D (analog-to-digital) converter that is used. And although I have no directly relevant experience, I would be skeptical of the sonic quality of the A/D converter that is built into laptops or Mac Minis.

Also, what might be a good alternative to purchasing an expensive stand-alone audiophile-oriented ADC is to purchase a professional digital recorder that records to flash memory cards. You would then transfer the digitized files to whatever computer you use for playback. Such devices are made by, among others, Tascam, Marantz Pro, and at higher price points Sound Devices and Nagra. B&H Photo Video (bhphotovideo.com) carries many such products.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al