Which component to upgrade 1st ?

Hey folks here is my dilemma I have a budget of about 6K for a new component. I currently have Martin Logan Vantage speakers, Audio Research Ref75 amp, Audio Research LS17SE preamp, Rega P6 turntable, and a bluesound node (makes my ears hurt but you have to start somewhere) and a Chord Qutest dac. My wishlist includes Lumin T2, (sell Qutest and node), Audio Research Ref 5 used ( sell LS17SE), used Phono tube dac (currently have Mofi), or used Weiss 502 dac with either a Lumin U2 mini or Bricasti M5. I know start with source first but I can’t wrap my head around which toy first. Thoughts and be kind.


Showing 15 responses by milo0812

ghdprentice, great advice. I'm still trying to wipe the drool off my keyboard after checking out your systems.  Well Done Sir!! I have the AR phono amp on my list as well. They are pricey, have you ever listened to the lower end AR phono amps?

mwinkc I made the mistake of previewing a the Aurender A10 and N100 streamers in my system, ever since then my ears protest when listening to the node.

@ghdprentice really interested to know which SFs you chose. When I do swap speakers SF is my choice as well. If I can one day find a used set of Olympic Nova IIs life would be grand. Ty

@audphile1 really enjoyed your reply. I’ve pretty much mapped out my plan. Dac  first, brand TBA at a later date. First replace dac and node. Then preamp, then speakers. These moves will be at least a year apart for each. So here is the new dilemma I don’t live close to either a Bricasti or Weiss dealer to preview. Any suggestions on dealers? I enjoy traveling to cities with Hi-end audio equipment. Such a geek! Ty

thanks so much to everyone, you've shared some great ideas!! I will update when my next purchase is made. meanwhile keep the beat.

Thanks for the reply. Yep the 501 gets such great reviews. Going to have to set some alerts on all of the above soon.

lwin, ty! I admit currently I listen to mostly digital, and the node is definitely the weak link in my system. I find I'm torn though I keep thinking about how much better my phono could sound with a better phono amp. Then again these are first world problems I am lucky to have.

lalitk, replacing the qutest is a great suggestion. I've looked into tube dacs but have not found one around town to audition. MHDT and Border Patrol recos are appreciated.


ah ha! I was thinking PH8 when I get around to it. Thanks for the shout back on that!

@Charles1Dad. Indeed I think it's a toss up Weiss or Ref5 first. Will likely go for the  one I can find that fits the budget first. Can't lose either way.

@laltik totally agree on the (any really) Aurender vs BS Node. The Aurender's I've auditioned do not disappoint. I do prefer the idea of having a separate dac from streamer vs bundled.

thanks @facten  and @audition-audio  

@audition__audio Her speakers are indeed a challenge to tubes. Likely in a perfect world the Ref150 would be a better choice. Warmth is something I've always preferred hence tubes. My preamp is good but is a hybrid, and I've had the opportunity to compare hybrid vs tube. Big difference, and big price jump. So it is a piece that has long been on the wishlist, just waiting for tons of extra money at my discretion. Like most of us.

@jpan thanks for the info on racks! I am sure mine needs replacement but had it placed lower on the list. Also going to move to a AQ Niagara 5000 from Niagara 1200s eventually. Again ty for your thoughts.