Which Component Needs to be Upgraded First

I need your help. I am looking to upgrade a component in my system. My question is which of the components is the weakest link and should be the first to upgrade. source: Sony 333es SACD, Pre-Amp hand built by Veda Audio - Dyna Hi Kevin Gilmore design, B&K ST 140 amp, Talon Audio Khorous-X speakers (the speakers are not going to be considered for upgrading. Thanks for your wisdom.
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Grannyring, you are so right. Ironically, I put a Zhaolu DAC behind the Sony CDP. I learned about it from Head-Fi.org, another favorite site of mine. Wow, that is so cool that you also owned the B&K ST-140 and the Talon Khorous X speakers. Mike Farnsworth of Talon Audio took care of me and re-did the cross-over network on the speakers. I was sorry to hear that he had trouble with his business and sold. I will follow the broads for the Monarchy amps. What makes them so special when mated with the Talon's? I find the Talons to be heavy on bass and mid-bass. You didn't find that to be the case? I thank you for your insight.
They are heavy on the bass as your amp is slow and not controling the woofers in your speaker. A Belles Ref 150 amp will take care of that while the Monarchy amps not as much. The SE160's will control the bass far better then your ST140 however.

I did find a little midrange suckout in the Khorus speaker that the Monarchy amp match well with as the amps have a rich and wonderful midrange.

What is more important to you - better bass control or more midrange presence and treble smoothness. The Belles is also smooth on top and more transparent than the Monarchy. I just think the Monarchy amps have a wonderful tube amp sound without the hassle of numerous large output tubes.

Both amps are great, but your sonic goals are most important.
Hey guys,my question is sort of on topic.Anyone had any experience with isolation transformers and their application at the source (CD/DAC)Comments,opinions?