Which Component Needs to be Upgraded First

I need your help. I am looking to upgrade a component in my system. My question is which of the components is the weakest link and should be the first to upgrade. source: Sony 333es SACD, Pre-Amp hand built by Veda Audio - Dyna Hi Kevin Gilmore design, B&K ST 140 amp, Talon Audio Khorous-X speakers (the speakers are not going to be considered for upgrading. Thanks for your wisdom.
I reccomend you get power straight first,cond,cables,ect.Every other thing after that.imho.
I must admit that I am not a firm believer that significant differences can be achieved via the "right" cables, power cords, and power supplies. It seems like most folks responding to this post suggest upgrading source and amp first. I have taken the first step, and added a DAC right behind the Sony SACD 333ES player. My impression is that that the music improved in clarity and crispness, particularly in bass and mid range representation. I will look around on the Audiogon boards for a good amp deal. Thanks to all for taking the time to help me.
In the bigger scheme of things cables make marginal improvements.Place a high priority on the source.
I owned the ST140 some 15 -20 years ago. I owned the Khorus speakers about 5 years ago. You need a better amp - pure and simple. Updating your source to a better dac would also be a must.

No mention of how much money you have? You can get an awesome DAC today very little money. I think you can do both instead of paying what you might be considering for one.

Get an Oritek Audio modified Zhaolu D2.5 dac for $599 new. It is an absolute giant killer. You can use your Sony for a transport. This DAC is amazing and outperforms dacs cost up to 10X more! You can also sell the Sony and use an Oppo for a transport.

For the amp I would stick with a nice SS or Hybrid amp to control the bass on those X speakers. I own an ART Audio SLA2 that costs only $285 new and it will smoke the once wonderful ST140. This is 200 watts per channel. I can share more if you are interested.

Your speakers can use more midrange and the Monarchy SE160 mono amps would be great for some $1200 or so used. A used Belles Ref 150 ($1400) is also a great amp with better high and bass then the Monarchy. The Monarchy wins out out for mids and wonderful warmth.
