i think they all are the most important. the front end has always to me means ,this is what you hear, linn,i understand, but if the cables, equpment,speakers can't come across with the front end ,then forget it....i know there is no formula, but here is mine,,,,, front end 100% cables 1/2 the money of the front end, including connects rca,power,speaker, then 100% for int.amp, as the front end....100% speakers....so in saying that.....1,000 cd,,,1,000 int.or pre power, 1,0000 speakrs, 1500 cables with conditioner...i would say i am still around this formula and it seems to work for me, as of today, i have listen to well respected 3,000 player, all kinds of dac out, preout, and compared it to my 750 player and ofcourse it is more refined, but not 2300 worth....to me the biggest and best money in the last five years i have spent is making sure i try to match, i now own the most inexpensive system i have ever owned and to me, i know the refinement is there, but i can buy alot of music and enjoy music and not equipment and no on loves equipment more than me.....