Which Component Has the Greatest Affect on Low-Level Listening

I'm looking to get out of HT 5.1 and go strictly to 2 ch.  I generally have music playing all day, often just sitting done to listen to certain tracks.  

I've read that "some" speakers don't sound "good" until high listening level, and also an integrated such the Luxman 505 don't sound good at low levels (is that the reason they include loudness?).

Which component, the amp or speaker, has the greatest impact on low level listening quality?

Showing 2 responses by bgm1911


My 5.1 was Marantz preamp and amp with Paradigm speakers all the way around, nothing high end. I want to get out of HT and go 2 ch. I visit a couple local shops and realize my equipment is poor for 2 ch.

Sell all that and upgrade to some quality gear, but it's important that when I just want to play music with the family around, it still sounds reasonable - my Marantz/Paradigm was terrible ITR.
I didn't count, but a guess the responses are 50/50.

I have been reading more since posting the question:

- horns (which I've never owned) seem to have good impact at low levels
- loudness (which I do have) also has made a difference

Maybe combining the two will produce good results:
Luxman's new integrateds
Klipsch Heresys or Cornwalls

Just thinking about some possibilities, since low level listening is about 90% of my listening from morning til evening.

Thanks for all the replies!