Which company manufactures this Ethernet switch for the other?

I am looking to buy an "audiophile" switch to isolate my audio and video connections from the main switch in my home. One important consideration in my decision is cost;  another is that this AV Ethernet switch must have 8 ports to accommodate all my audio and video equipment. I have done as much research online as I can, with the result that I found two products that especially appealing: the English Electric 8Switch and the Silent Angel Bonn N8.

Studying their constructions, features, and components, these two Ethernet switches seem so similar that with the exception of one being 10mm higher than the other (their widths and depths are the same) that these two appear to be identical. 

Consequently, I am asking -- does anyone know whether Silent Angel OEMs this product from English Electric or vice versa? OR, is this just an extraordinary coincidence?

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This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FFTdt51kzA  also contends that there is no issue with jitter at the ethernet part of the system, but that there may be noise issues an ethernet switch could address.  Another way to do that, as I understand it, is to use devices that convert ethernet to fiber optic and then convert the fiber optic to USB for input to an audio device.