Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?



Showing 3 responses by golfnutz

@tweak1 - I mentioned the EVS 1200 a few posts back. I started a thread. It's really amazing , but at $2200, it's like stealing.

Are you serious? Do you actually know how much those low priced modules cost? Do you have any idea what the primary market is for these modules? If you thought subs, speaker arrays, and PA amps, you would be correct.

@mitch2 is absolutely correct, who is really stealing from who here?

I say if anyone should be banned, it would be you for grossly misleading members on these forums. Seriously, $2200? Last I saw on HiFi shark, one of Mivera Purepower 1200AS2 sold for $550 (the case, connectors, wires, etc. probably cost more than the module itself).

First of all, there's no difference between 2 x 1200AS1, and 1 1200AS2. I had 2 x 1200AS2 and 2 didn't sound better than 1. Just a waste of money. The $300 module sounds the same as 2 modules for $500.

Secondly, I tried many of the tweaks you mentioned myself. Since the connectors on the module are JST (tin), again, no improvement on the sound quality - even when using direct connect methods. Do you really think using solder instead of the JST connector makes a difference. All these tweaks amount to nothing, other than an excuse to inflate the price with the appearance of added value.

Forget about Manufacture warranty since you've modified the boards. What happens if the changes you've done to the boards causes damage to your clients other equipment (like speakers), are you going to cover the cost for that too?

These modules are so cheap that if the main fuse on the module goes, the manufacture won't even attempt to fix it, they just replace the module.

The only reason you chose these modules is because of their low OEM costs. Why didn't you pick a different module designed for Audiophiles?

@tweak1, @ricevs

Best of luck to both of you. It sounds like you’re both in a good place with these amps, and that’s all that matters. As @tweak1 says, a real steal for only $2200.