Which CD Players Are both Warm and Detailed

Looking for a single box CD Palyer that is both warm and detailed. Great for Jazz, clasical. Budget has got to be $2000 or under - New or Used. Your input very appreciated.
try a used Meridian 508/24 . Its in your price range and has definately both of your wishes covered. I own one and I think very highly of it for a single box player. Good luck
I agree with Thorman, Meridian 508.24 or 506.24. Basically the same, variations of a theme. Smooth, detailed, airy, fast, great voices and strings. This unit was made with jazz in mind!
Granite Audio 657 tube CD player is excellent. Retail $3,000 but I think with a bit of patience you can get it for around $2,000. You can contact me for more info on this.
Having heard none of the other recommendations, I'll still make a strong pitch for the Sony XA777ES. Superb CD musicality (via 6 parallel DACs) with the best possible (IMO) SACD playback as a bonus, for $2000 new -- with a 5-year warranty -- from Oade Bros.