Which cd player & speakers?

I'm trying to assemble the best cd only playback system I can on a budget. I already bought Threshold T200 amp and T3 pre here on Audiogon. With about 3 to 4k to spend on speakers and cd player, what would be some of the better matches? I really would appreciate any suggestions as this is my first "audiophile" system.

Showing 1 response by ehiderbca4

In terms of digital, you should really consider giving Stan Warren at Supermods a call. I went through 9 different digital front ends in the last 5 years ,trying to get that smooth non-fatiging, analog sound (can we say musical?)that I missed so much from my turntable systems of yore. Then an audiophile buddy told me that he sold his $2,500.00 D/A converter to get this modified $800 cd player, from a genius who can work magic with digital. At first I was very skeptical. Now, I too have sold all of my "high end" (read: expensive) digital gear and have MUCH BETTER SOUND! Stan Warren has impecable credentials. (He is the "S" in PS Audio), his prices are rediculously cheap (I'm always telling him to charge more) , and his customers are extremely devoted to him. Send me an E-mail, and I'll give you his phone number. DON'T EVEN THINK THAT YOU HAVE TO SPEND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO GET GREAT DIGITAL GEAR!.