which cd player class A to use straight into amp

I would like to run a CD player directly into my Levinson ML-11 amp. Any suggestions on class "a" CD players with volume control? Or is this not a good Idea?
hey thanks for the suggestions,the audio aero capitole sounds real interesting(drool),maybe if I mortgage the house,hmmmm.........
Wadia works well or try a Pass Labs D1, Dac with volume controls no pre-amp required.
I use a Levinson 39 into a mcintosh 162. The adjustable volume on the 39 is in the analog mode. Therefore, the sound is full and yet detailed. I understand that using a player where the volume adjustment is in the digital domaine will give you a "thin" sound with limited soundstage.However, I have not auditioned that set-up.
I used a Levinson 39 direct into a 333 amp, I thought it was great. The volume control on the levinson is very good - it is similar to that of their preamps.
There are many cdp's with variable volume output including M.Lev's own, Wadia, etc...so, your ears are the ultimate judge! For suggestions however, some more info would help: your musical tastes, type of sound you like, etc.

As to whether it's a good idea... I have found direct cdp to amp slightly anaemic sounding, with excellent resolution however. My system, my musical tastes, YMMV. Others are very happy dispensing w/ a pre so, give it a try!
