Which cantilever to choose for re-tip

I have two cartridges I plan on having re tipped by Soundsmith. One is a Shelter 501 II, and the other is a Lyra Lydian B.
Both of these came originally with boron cantilevers. 
Is it worth the $450 each for the boron or should I go for the $350 ruby? 

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

If you are a klutz most definitely Boron. Harder to break. Millercarbon, stick with your Koetsu and get off that "jitter" merry-go-round. Ledermann could never tell what these cartridges really sound like because they "jitter" too much. Imagine that, fixing all these jittery cartridges so they can "jitter" some more. Lets call up Lewis Carroll and have a tea party.