Which cable to change first-intercon. or speaker?

My system consists of an Audio Aero Capitole MkII CDP directly feeding (balanced) an Audio Research VT100 MkII, that drives my Von Schweikert Audio, VR4 GenIII SE's.

I want to upgrade the cables in my system, but I don't know which cable to upgrade first, the speaker cable or the interconnect.

So, which cable should I replace first, the interconnect or the speaker cable (and why), or should I plan upgrading both together?

Showing 1 response by kel34

I've always found that the biggest improvements come closet to the source especially if it is an analog source. AS one moves further away from the source the improvements diminsish. Thats not to say better speaker cables won't be an improvement just not as signifigant as a speaker cable change.

I'd change the ICs first as it will be cheaper and see what happens