which burmester pre to buy used ?

Can't afford the 808 in this lifetime or any other. Looking to spend around $6 to $7K. Current pre is getting a little long in the tooth (Conrad Johnson PFR) and looking to upgrade. Have to have balanced outputs.

There is an 035 for sale now at an unbelievable price on agon. Well worth a try. I have an 077 with ext. power supply and love it.
Believe it of not many years ago I could have ordered a new Burmeister for $250 or $300 direct from the company. Passed as it wasn't US voltage. OK, it was a LONG time ago. But current prices still give me sticker shock when I stop to think. I haven't used them but Audia makes a great pre [I have one] with balanced ins and outs; $7K new and much less used; a couple of reviews on the web; as well built as a typical German product but with Italian style.