Which Burmester amp to choose ?

I am looking to buy a Burmester amp, and I am thinking about 956 mk2 or 036. The cd player is Burmester 001, and the speakers are Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage. I have no chance to audition any amp before purchase. Wondering which would be better match with player, as I belleive they are both capable to drive the speakers, but there is a slight age difference between their appearance on market, 036 coming out last. I would appreciate the answer from people who actually owned or have extended listening experience with Burmester gear. Thank you

Showing 1 response by alexatpos

Thank you, Apdoc2004. I see that you have had the Pass ams as well? Do you know how many watts Burmester produce in A classs? Do you use any other Burmester gear in your system?