Which Budget Speakers, Tekton or Omega?

I have a $2500 budget and haven’t had any luck finding the right floorstander in the local hifi shops, so am seeking advice from owners of internet-direct speakers.

I have an all tube system with a 30W triode EL34 amp. My system is in the living room, 12’ x 16’ x 8.' Speakers can be a maximum height of about 40 inches.
   Most important to me is a realistic laid-back presentation with open, transparent sonics. For example, I really like the KEF sound. I listen to 90% Classical, but also take my Led Zeppelin very seriously.
I have a sensitivity to high frequencies (hyperacusis), so there must be a smooth and natural top-end. And I’m done with metal tweeters since I haven’t found any that work for me.

There have been many Tekton threads, so I’m familar with some of their models, but I’m very intrigued by the Omega’s. Can anybody share their experiences with the Omega line or offer advice on floorstanders within my budget? I’m open to used or demos.


Showing 1 response by ghosthouse

If you are open to brands other than Tekton and Omega, Silverline Prelude Plus speakers meet many of your criteria: Silk dome tweeter: 92 db sensitivity (I'm driving a pair very  satisfactorily with a 20 wpc First Watt amp);  40" height (40"x5:x8").  They are a good looking slender column with a rosewood veneer.  They won't "embarrass" your living room.  Available from Underwood HiFi and possibly for under $2k delivered.  Worth calling or, at least, reading the StereoTimes review (see link).  I doubt I've got "hyperacusis" but I can tell you harshness in the high end makes me crazy.  The reason I got the Prelude Pluses in the first place was to find something a little more mellow than the Totem Forests I have.  The Prelude Pluses did take a good long while to break in.  They were purchased unheard, so a gamble.  Initially, they had a LOT of treble energy and were NOT the solution I had hoped for.  However, with break in time, the right amp (the F7 is a wonderful match; Hegel H200 works well too; Class D Taranis...not so much), attention to positioning and cabling, they have settled in and deliver smooth, enjoyable music across a range of types (classical, jazz, rock, electronica) - no high frequency induced ear-bleed.  They produce bass but for LedZep, you might want a sub.  I got a pair of very compact, sealed SB1000s from SVS.  My total expenditure (all new) was right around $2700.  Depending on room placement a single sub could suffice.  Some listeners might not think any sub is needed.  In the interest of full disclosure, however, and based on my experience....

Buying used and or a single sub should allow you to hit your $2500 budget target.  Good luck in your search.
