Which Budget Speakers, Tekton or Omega?

I have a $2500 budget and haven’t had any luck finding the right floorstander in the local hifi shops, so am seeking advice from owners of internet-direct speakers.

I have an all tube system with a 30W triode EL34 amp. My system is in the living room, 12’ x 16’ x 8.' Speakers can be a maximum height of about 40 inches.
   Most important to me is a realistic laid-back presentation with open, transparent sonics. For example, I really like the KEF sound. I listen to 90% Classical, but also take my Led Zeppelin very seriously.
I have a sensitivity to high frequencies (hyperacusis), so there must be a smooth and natural top-end. And I’m done with metal tweeters since I haven’t found any that work for me.

There have been many Tekton threads, so I’m familar with some of their models, but I’m very intrigued by the Omega’s. Can anybody share their experiences with the Omega line or offer advice on floorstanders within my budget? I’m open to used or demos.


Showing 2 responses by clarinetmonster2

Lowrider - do you have the Gallo CL-3 like me? I used to drive them with a 50w tube amp that was switchable to 25W triode - that was nowhere near enough to drive them properly and 50w was right on the edge. It wasn’t until I replaced the EL34 with Gold Lion KT77 that I felt like the amp was a good match, but even then I found myself wanting more headroom and bass grip so I moved on to a hybrid integrated and rolled some NOS Mullards in the preamp section. The Gallos are singing like crazy now - not even a trace of hardness, glare or harshness and the bass is absolutely ridiculously good - deep, full and tight. 

Anyways, to your question, I don’t think going to Tekton will be a great move for you if you love Kef, which are pretty laid back and rolled off a little at the top end (which makes sense that you like them even with the metal tweets). I can’t speak to the Omegas as I have never heard them but they do look beautiful. Based on your sound preferences I would throw a curve ball in there and recommend one of the Goldenear speakers - perhaps the 3+ new or 2+ used. They are voiced on the warm side and don’t require current for low freq control because of the built in subs.
The air motion tweets in the goldenear sound much different than the Dali ribbons, much warmer and more forgiving speakers overall. Smoother than most domes as well. I'm glad the dac has helped. For me it was a combination of mullards plus a new usb cable that ended up giving me a great balance with natural highs.