which Brand of Reciever produces the Best Audio?

Have rec'd numerous suggestions from Arcam to Sunfire to you name it---Ideas? I want something warm for the system--not cold, lifeless digital---like some of the Pioneer or Onkyo or Denon products I have audtioned--I am used to vintage equipment and sound quality---your thoughts? I want great audio, but also something that will work well into the future for the video side of things (I haven't a clue about this video thing--will be running a Pioneer Elite Plasma)-- thanks
I have had a Marantz receiver and now currently use a Rotel RSX-1056 for HT and music. The Marantz receiver (2000 model year w/THX cert, forget the model number) crapped out w/ a blown motherboard and no replacement parts available right after the 5 yr warranty expired. Prior to that I'd gone through 2 Marantz DVD players -- both died. Moved on.

The Rotel has been rock solid and I really like the musicality of it, even though I have very low end B&W speakers (LCR6's Front and Center). I played trumpet throughout school including college so I have some reference to what sounds "real" or "musical", at least with band type music. The Rotel is musical, for a receiver anyway, and it is at a very nice price point, in my opinion.

Good luck.
I 2nd the NAD. I have the T775 and it absolutely blew my Pioneer Elite VSX92THX AWAY. Blew away every Denon, Sony ES, Onkyo and Yamaha as well. $3,000 but worth every penny. No frills and no video nonsense other than passing through a perfect signal. All goes into the audio.
I encountered the same issue Admranger had with my Marantz SR18 (2000 model? Yes, had THX).

I can't remember, but I think Marantz paid the cost of fixing (I paid shipping), even though it was past five years. Upon firing the fixed unit up for a second time, I got the same puff of smoke and another blown board. Marantz paid shipping the second time, and it's been working great since.

I never thought I'd buy another Marantz, but last month I did, an SR8002 for my new theater room (only $999 on amazon). For the price, I like that deal, but did consider Emotiva separates.