Which artists do you just not get?

I love folk. I love rock n roll. I love jazz, classical, C&W, blues and bluegrass.

At the risk of being labeled a troglodyte, a philestine, or worse, I've never been able to listen to Bob Dylan without getting a headache. Reminds me of a cat and a chalk board. Same goes for The Grateful Dead. Maybe I wasn't doing the right drugs or something.

Who else has the courage to admit to disliking music that vast portions of the population seems to go gag-ga over?

Rule number 1, Don't get personal or call other posters names because they just dissed your favorite artist.

Rule number 2, keep it civil.

Rule number 3 - HAVE FUN!
"Big Hat" country

Ethnically confused clowns like Eminem

Artificial boy and girl bands ('Nstink and Density's Child - spelling errors intentional)

Single name chick singers

Nirvana. Kurt Cobain especially. I don't get the mythic, cultish following he attained. His entire career was what - about 5 minutes?)
Madonna - can someone please explain the 20 year star run of this modestly gifted superstar? Can hardly carry a tune, can't act at all, maybe ok-looking in a real hard edged sort of way... I'll give to her that she can write passable pop tunes about currently fashionable notions that emerge originally from other sources that she jumps on. I'm always floored when I hear the women, and even some of the straight men I work with: educated, professional, mature smart people - get all excited talking about her new CD & whether it's as "good" as such & such cd.... Hey, there are other contemporaneous women artists that I may like or not like or get: Bjork, Sinead, Enya, Janet Jackson, Celine, Sheryl Crow that at least I could understand their appeal on some level. But Madonna's appeal, especially on her superstar scale completely mystifies me. Come on, there HAVE to be some of her fans here that can argue for her just based on the numbers.
And I just plain hate Courtney Love and everything she represents.
Sean,The Inner Mounting Flame and Visions Of The Emerald Beyond are,I think,the two best Mahavishnu albums.Quality of recording is not exactly good,especially of the former.As usual,UK or Dutch pressings are much better;never heard Japanese.Birds Of Fire and The Lost Trident Sessions( CD only) also contain some great cuts.Frankly, I don't know anyone who could play electric guitar like John McLaughlin; he is unbelievable with acoustic as well-just listen to Friday Night In San-Francisco and Passion,Grace&Fire.Of his later work I like Que Alegria album the most.A Handful Of Beauty with Indian musicians is another masterpiece.
I don't know about artists but I never really got threads like this-what's the point?
I worship Dylan but the fact that some people either hate his voice,his hair or his songs really doesn't come as a big surprise.
There's not much I don't get but some stuff I loathe for a variety of reasons-anybody really care?
Nope didn't think so.
This is the worst thread I've seen on Audiogon for a while-just an opinion.