Which amp would you choose and why - Pass Labs XA-25 or First Watt F8?

I'm very interested in Nelson designs and hope to upgrade to his low watt offerings for a smaller room I have. Does anyone have experience with the Pass Labs XA-25 and First Watt F8 amps? Both are rated at 25W. What main differences do they have? Which one has better bass?

Preamp: Cary Audio SLP98
Speakers: Tannoy XT8F (91db efficient)

Showing 1 response by kymanor1

i live 25mins from Pass Labs. Have been there a few times and given a tour and education at the same time. Great people, even meet the man.  i am a Pass Labs dude!  the 25 will have more bass control with your speakers.  the F8 is their version of a solid state tube amp. that said, the only way to really know is to listen to both of them