Which amp to match Thiel 3.5 - Ayre, Bryston, CJ?

I am looking for insights for you guys for my next potential project.

I am considering a CJ 2200, or a bryston 4B-ST, Bedini 250/250 or a comparable Ayre such as the V3.

The reason for my latest craze is that i might acquire a set of Thiel CS 3.5 speakers and the above amps (all around 200 W in 8 ohms and high current) would be a good match for the speakers.
Any and every opinion is more than welcome, but please keep them directed on the compariosn between the amps or your personal experience with any of the above.
I will not be offended if someone suggest Adcom or other brands, but it would be more valuable for me if I could get insights regarding my original question.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Showing 1 response by tdaudio

Sancho22, nice speakers! I had a pair soon after their release. Small budget then. I first had a Haffler 200, just OK. Later upgraded to a CJ MF200 in the late 80s and it was much better. I would think any CJ (non-tube) would be great. The 3.5s are not an extreemly hard load so higher end tubes with power for the bass boost will work great, but that may not be practical.

A friend has an Ayre v3 with Thiel 3.6s which sounds great and you may know the 3.6s are a much harder load. I owned those as well.

Right now I have another pair of 3.5s, pick up used for a second system, that runs off an old Adcom 545 which is just enough for medium volume but the sound is very nice. A CJ or Ayre would be better...for a lot more money.

Bottom line, you may need some power depending on room size but there are many options for the 3.5s.