Which amp to match Thiel 3.5 - Ayre, Bryston, CJ?

I am looking for insights for you guys for my next potential project.

I am considering a CJ 2200, or a bryston 4B-ST, Bedini 250/250 or a comparable Ayre such as the V3.

The reason for my latest craze is that i might acquire a set of Thiel CS 3.5 speakers and the above amps (all around 200 W in 8 ohms and high current) would be a good match for the speakers.
Any and every opinion is more than welcome, but please keep them directed on the compariosn between the amps or your personal experience with any of the above.
I will not be offended if someone suggest Adcom or other brands, but it would be more valuable for me if I could get insights regarding my original question.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Showing 6 responses by sancho22

Thanks a bunch. I figured Ayre would be a really good match. Looks like I can get a CJ preamp and amp for the price of Ayre though. Both CJs local and very close to me. The choice is between two great sets potentially. The real question at the end will be which one sounds better - especially to my ears.
Well the speakers are here, juts picked them up as my B-day present :-).

I have the Bedini 801 amp and BAT VK3i pre on loan. Will try with these as well as with my 700M Kenny.

I am picking up the CJ 2200 tomorrow and hopefully a CJ preamp as well. The CJ combo would run as much as only one of the other mentioned components...
Well first of all thanks and Happy B-day to you too.

I just picked up the two CJ componenets and listening to Diana Krall. I can swear that she is in my LR, with the band. My jaw is dropping. I can see why Thiel suggest CJ componenents. I am 95% sure the CJ amp is the way to go. I will let the "little" Bedini 801 aly one more round, but can hardly belive it will get to this level. The combo sounds fantastic. I have a BAT VK-3i tube pre to test as well. It might edge out the PF-2 but it should be MUCH better to convince me to pay so much more.
OK off I go for some more listening.
CJ won by a hair. The Bedini 801 and BAT VK3i was just a hair behind; it was like game seven overtime. I liked both, but the CJ has more power, more bottom end and somehow richer (?) sound. I really wanted to love the tube pre, but the CJ combo edged it out. I think i was overall the winner as I had the luxury to spend a few days auditioning all this great gear. Now, I just need to fix the eq hiss which started yesterday. Hope Thiel still fixes those....
Thanks, I'll check. However, no hiss w/out the eq with any of my amps. I do think it is the eq.