which amp is the best for 2 channel and HT?

I am in the market to looking for the best amp for under $3000US. I am listen 70% for music and 30% for HT, and I am using EAD Theater Master Signature for Preamp Procesor. This is 3 amps that I really want it:
1. Mark Levinson 333
2. Pass Lab X 250
3. Theta Dreadnaught II
but if you known some of different amp that better then this please let me known. Thanks a lot and I am looking for your input...
If you want a warm kinda sunset at the beach sound with utmost fidelity try Sim Audio.
If you want excitment and spunk try Bryston, but it can be harsh.
The Mark Levinson is clean and bass heavy.
I think the Theta will have that a sound not unlike the Sim Audio amps, but better sound stage, which is not so important if you are running multichannel.David
If 2-channel is your priority, I would not sink so much money into a 5-channel amp. Instead, I'd spend the most money I could on a stereo amp and buy a decent 3- or 5-channel amp for the center/surrounds. I've heard Classe works well with B&W, but I know that B&W themselves use Levinson amps in the listening rooms at their factory, so I would certainly factor them into my demo schedule. Then I'd probably buy something like a used 3- or 5-channel Rotel amp for the rest of the system if I didn't have enough amplification laying around. Not optimal, but like you I care more about critical 2-channel listening than surround stuff, so that's where I'd put the lion's share of my money. Best of luck.
Thanks a lot for your input. Do anyone heard about EAD PowerMaster 2000. Should I get that or spend more money one 2 front channel and inexpensive for 3 channel. thanks

The EAD PM 2000 is an outstanding 5 channel amp that actually bridges when in a 2-channel mode. I however like others have noted would opt for the best 2-channel amp I could afford and settle on a decent 3-channel for my center and surrounds.

The only advice to offer is that I would think any multichannel amp is aimed at HT sound reproduction and not so focused on 2CH/music reproduction. I have no clue if there is any fact in that assumption, but that is what I would assume and to get really good 2CH sound, a 2CH amp is in order. AND a 2CH amp that gives you the TYPE of sound you like - analytical and detailed or warm or whatever.