Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?

Many have asked which amp works best with the Magnepan MG 3.6/R, but I haven't seen a good response yet. Can anyone assist me?

My current short list includes the Classe CAM 350, Nelson Pass X250, Belles 350A, and Theta Dreadnaught II. Which one would you choose?

My system includes: Musical Fidelity NuVista 3D CD player, Klyne 7LX3.5 solid state preamp, a pair of Cambridge SoundWorks Newton P-1000 subwoofers, and Analysis Plus Crystal Oval 8 cabling. I listen to classical music and jazz.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ny10522

BEL 1001 MkIII is the amp!! I have switched all my solid state amps to SET tubes except the main speakers (Magnepans) which run best on the BEL fed from a McIntosh C220 tube preamp. I have tried many tube power amps with the Maggies and none controlled the bass and deliviered detail like the BEL amp. Good luck finding one! If you can´t secure a BEL ,I would recommend the best Audio Research tube amp you can afford. Right now I have a pair of new Magnepan 3.7s on order and can´t wait to hook them up to the magnificent BEL amplifier.