Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?

Since I keep reading and hearing that audiophiles have replaced their 30K speakers with the Tekton Double Impacts, I started this thread to see what speakers and why they were replaced.  I really want to know who did this and why.  Personally, I do not believe anyone would give up 30K speakers for 3K speakers, but what do I know anyways?

Showing 12 responses by kdude66

None that I can think of offhand,I went the other direction and couldn’t be happier.

I actually wish that I would have kept the Jantzen Valentina’s that I had previously to the Double Impacts.

Unfortunately I’ve heard that from several members,
and I don’t blame you.

Good luck in your search,
I may get another set but David now can put 2 8 inch woofers in them and he offered a demo pair for me to try.I would have to cover shipping both ways and pay him a small rental fee.

I really like my double bass speakers and also silverline bolero supremes,so I don’t know if I will try them.

I wished he made a hybrid ESL that was bigger overall but not as big as the klh 9’s And wasn’t a dipole either.

My goal is to have 3 sets of nice speakers,and I have 2,and rotate them through my main system occasionally for a different flavor.
So I will be on the hunt for the 3rd pair and it definitely will not be a pair of Tekton anything.

These are over your asking budget but look quite interesting, and after talking to the manufacturer about them and getting more questions answered,I do think they would be a very good option for either me or you.


Best of luck to you,
Just for clarification,was this decision based on pre or post Grannyring mods.

Excellant,glad you are enjoying them that’s what it’s all about.


I’m sorry to read that you are disappointed with your DI’s.You May never reach the musical bliss that you are looking for but always remember you have many other better choices and I’m not referring to the SE version that some like better.

I’ve never heard the SE version myself,I wasted enough time with the standard version and moved way beyond them.

I don’t know how old yours are,they do need some serious break in time to settle in,300 to 500 hrs is some average times to loosen up drivers and let the caps fully form.

Another problem is the constant changes in parts quality and values in the overall crossover implementation,in about one yrs time,confirmed from several folks that I have talked to during this period and the folks that are just plug and play types have no idea what they have.Yes offcourse they judge the sound and with any gear that’s the bottom line.

Good luck to you,
Your not referring to your buddy 213 runnin are you.LoL.

Excellant post describing your journey to musical bliss,can’t get any more real than that.

Yes I would have to say that Grannyring is a great Audiogon member and very good long distance Audiophile friend and he looks “Globally” for speakers and once he brings a pair he stays in the “Focus” mode till he has them totally optimized for his system as a whole.

Enjoy those new Dali’s,
Yes it’s a great “BIG” speaker world out there for sure,More wonderful choices than I’ve ever seen in my 40 yrs in this hobby and it’s become such a buyers market for used Speakers,I would be very hard pressed to even think about buying new.
I can’t believe some of the prices that I see on very expensive speakers everyday,is High end Audio going away at a accelerated pace or what.

Anyway It’s all about the sound for me and price is immaterial and all this gear we talk about is just a means to a end of enjoying music in my home.
