Whest ps.30r

Having owned both the Whest Ps .20 and .30r I am now ready to try another phono stage in the same price bracket. As much as I like the Whest for all it does well. ( soundstage;dynamics; incredible detail: and quiet) I find it to lack a certain amount of humaness for want of a better word. It has to my ears a definite transister sound to it. I am looking for something that has the same depth, detail;dynamics and quietness but with a touch more warmth. We can all quote and read reviews I am looking for answers with genuine personal experience. Thanks in advance

Showing 4 responses by easternize

i am thinking of saving up for the REF V as well, but would like to see if there are review of it, or anyone has used it?
has anyone seen a review?
how does the PS .30RDT compare to the big MC REF V??
is it worth the extra cash for the MC REF V?
i only wish there was a review to really have an independent opinion on the Ref V for me justify
such an purchase. it really should have an opinion,
especially with the recent increase in price, as well.
i agree completely with the above.
but where can i listen to and audition
a whest MCF-V phono preamp?

i don't know any dealer that has on in stock at
all, and don't know anyone that has on to audition
unless i fly across the continent.

it is also very difficult to compare any device,
unless it is in your own system anyway.

how do you know how the phono-preamp will sound,
with different speakers, pre-amp, cables, turntable,
phono cartridge, power conditioner, ROOM etc.??

a review in a respectable magazine, which certainly
could be finacially biased, could give at least
an opinion against other similarily priced products.

without hearing the phono-preamp in my own set-up room,
how could i decide?