Wrat, the amps you tried are by no means going to address all the desirable attributes you seek in a single amplifier as they are all basically entry level coupled with the fact you want to buy brand new which limits your choices. In fact at this price point if one could combine the best feature of each amp into one amp (power, tight well defined bass, a nice midrange and grainless highs) you could come up with a satisfactory amp but then you would of spent more money, some exceptions do apply.
A friend of mine has Martin Logan speakers and he was using a Cinepro amp to drive them, a powerful but decent sounding amp. Another amp that comes to mind that could fit the bill for a sensible price would be an upgraded D500 Hafler amp. It is powerful at 255 watts per channel with very good depth & transparency, enormous soundstaging and the fact it has been upgraded should deliver the refinements you are seeking. There is an upgraded D500 for sale on Audiogon right now for $795.00. I personally have heard one in its stock form (which I borrowed) and walked away very impressed.
Another strong consideration would be one of the more powerful amps offered by Steve McCormack, preferably one that has had a revision. A revised Mcormack still retains all the things that people love about a McCormack amp but removes any detectable grain in the upper registers. Try to keep an open mind about used gear because this is how we are best served on Audiogon.
A friend of mine has Martin Logan speakers and he was using a Cinepro amp to drive them, a powerful but decent sounding amp. Another amp that comes to mind that could fit the bill for a sensible price would be an upgraded D500 Hafler amp. It is powerful at 255 watts per channel with very good depth & transparency, enormous soundstaging and the fact it has been upgraded should deliver the refinements you are seeking. There is an upgraded D500 for sale on Audiogon right now for $795.00. I personally have heard one in its stock form (which I borrowed) and walked away very impressed.
Another strong consideration would be one of the more powerful amps offered by Steve McCormack, preferably one that has had a revision. A revised Mcormack still retains all the things that people love about a McCormack amp but removes any detectable grain in the upper registers. Try to keep an open mind about used gear because this is how we are best served on Audiogon.