Where to go from here?

I have a treated dedicated room with pmc ci140 speakers. So my room and speakers are done. Now i need to get the front end up to par. The pmc speakers are being fed by a denon 3700h to monolith amplifier.  I rather not get hung up on which brand is best but what makes a bigger positive improvement? I can purchade a reference dac with volume like a weiss 501 or tambaqui, or i could buy a quality integrated like a mcintosh ma9500 or hegel 590. If i get the weiss or tambuqui it will be awhile until my wallet cools off, so i would keep the monolith amp for a few years. If i get a quality integrated it would be a few yrs until i got a reference seperate dac. Sooooo......what the heck makes sense and which would make the biggest improvement?  Thanks


>> "Can i run 2 speaker wires to each speaker? One from the av receiver and one from the 2 channel system."

I'd strongly recommend against that. The amp you are using would be delivering power not only to the speakers, but would also be trying to force it backwards into the output transistors of the other amp.  That's a recipe for bad sound and likely increasing the odds of equipment damage.  You might consider using a switch to totally disconnect the unused amp, but that's just another item in the circuit.

Thanks for the post, it has me thinking. Personally, all of my equipment isn't equal in price but coming out of the speakers, it's all very musical. It's really how I put everything together. I find that I ask myself, how do I approach that sound that I heard at this concert hall or that concert hall? What ensembles do I like? What is my favorite color? Because putting components together is a very personal choice. I still believe in the brick and mortar stores because I can have a conversation with the sales people and I can sample their products too. I'd say more than anything, avoid being impetuous and use common sense.


All very helpful. Im learning a lot in short time. Thank you jjss49 for getting my feet grounded. Tambuqui is a ton of money for just one piece of the puzzle. I probably owe mlsstl a beer, since his advice will keep me from frying my audio system. If the amps and preamps are just as important as the dac then I will listen to ggoofyfoot and visit some local hifi shops. I am also a short drive from mcintosh factory. That seems to be a love hate company on the forums. Oddiofyl may be right. A great integrated with ht bypass may be the best way to start. Many quality integrateds have decent dacs to get started and then down the road i can add a better streamer or dac via balanced analog in. Pmc isnt too well known in states. Very popular in canada. Other owners say they need lots of power due to the transmission line. Others told me that a good front end is a must because they are so revealing. They will never have the depth of my friends maggies that are positioned 6 ft from the wall. Depth of soundstage is a compromise Im ok with. The speakers have so much of the other traits that allow me to connect with the music.

I have a friend with an older Denon AVR hooked up to an even older pair of speakers the brand of which I cannot remember.

I am always surprised at how good that Denon sounds playing CDs via a carousel CD player.  I have always liked Denon products.

Krell K300i intergrated amp with built in dac and streaming capabilities if you go with the digital package, plus made in the USA.