where to go after Harbeth SHL-5

Hi all

I currently have the Harbeth SHL-5 powered by Pass 60.5.My listening space is at 18'X 12'X 7'.
Although I love the musicality of the Harbeths i'm looking for some more resolution and some more in the low end but without compromising on musicality. Any suggestions in the area of $k 10-12 new or used ? What about the Wilson Sophia 3 ?
Thanks to all repliers.
I went from SHL5 to JBL/Altec horns, and will never look back! Yes, it was a 180 degree turn, and at times I miss my Harbeths, but the dynamics and detail afforded by the horns, as well as the ability to use great sounding 1.5 watt SET amps really makes it a no-brainer for me.
If that does not bake your cake, then I would follow Douger's advice and look for some 'Prestige' Tannoys (the Turnberry would be in your range), or perhaps some AudioNote AN-E would also fit the bill. I am not sure about the Vandersteen 5 as I haven't heard them...
Pre owned Vandersteen 5As
High passing your main amp would be a huge advantage.
The resolution and Musicality w/Vandersteen Five As and Carbons series when bi wired with AQ DBS wired or similar is mind boggling.
Vandy Dealer
Icorem, the fellow who posted the video below used to have the SHL-5's. You may want to email him. He has experience with quite a few sets of quality speakers.

Check the link below:

He's a member here under the same moniker as the one on youtube.
I vote for Tannoy Canterbury SE's if you can find the right deal, but it does happen.