Where to get spikes for Apogee Cephus 6's? Help

Gidday all. I bought some Apogee Cephus 6 from a gent and he can't seem to find the spikes for them. The owners manual states the the two front spikes are longer than the two spikes in the back, allowing you to tilt the speaker back some. In fact, the speakers naturally lean forward with no spikes used. Assuming I never get the spikes from the original owner, where can I get spikes for my speakers? Appreciate any advice, Jeff

Showing 1 response by sc53

Get Audiopoints either from Music Direct or from StarSound. I have replaced all my gear's original spikes w/Audiopoints of various widths, and heights, and love the tweak. If you can't find a website for them, email me and I'll go look up the web address for StarSound. Music Direct is amusicdirect.com. While you're there, buy some JVC XRCD's for your CD player. Re. the Audiopoints: You have to know the width of the threaded part of the spikes you're replacing, and whether it's inches or millimeters. Music Direct does not have all the sizes that are available. However, you can get what you need directly (and much more quickly) from StarSound (talk to Robert). StarSound has a database for a lot of speakers and may have your info at hand. If not, measure the screw-in part (width) and tell them the different lengths you'll need. You'll like them, I guarantee!
Sarah C (sister of Toyota Supra David C)