Where to get a reliable Cryo treatment service for Power cord?

Do you know where and how to get a reliable and prompt service for Cryo treatment? This is for a couple of  old power cords I purchased in the past. BTW, Do you have any idea about related cost too?
You help is highly appreciated.


Showing 3 responses by michelzay

Thank you very much guys for the infos. I talked to several companies and seems NitroFreeze is more professional. thanks Rick!

BDP24, my humble experience is limited to Hubble duplex outlet (Cryo vs. Non-Cryo treatment). The sonic difference is really audible. For my power cords, I keep my expectation very low and even like 10% of improvement would be greatly appreciated! As mentioned on divers sites the most commonly noted improvements are:
  •     Deeper, wider, more three dimensional soundstage
  •     More articulate bass reproduction
  •     Smoother, more refined high frequency response
  •     Improved dynamic range
  •     Lower noise floor

My recollection is that these Cryo treatment for cables is done more on nude metal (copper or silver) before adding shielding and other level of sleeves. In case where cables has already multiple levels of shielding and sleeves (like my Custom power cord Company pcs, CPCC brand), Cryo treatment might make cause some cracking on cover or sleeves.

Is there any thoughts about this issue?!

At Jena labs they use -329F (liquid nitrogen) instead of -300F (dry/gaz nitrogen) for cryogenic treatment. At -329F, this process perhaps offer slightly a better result especially on nude metal, but it might not be safe procedure for assembled cables like mine having several tight shielding/sleeves. It is fair to say, Jena Labs is among pioneers in US to use cryo treatment on their cables.  Other cable companies like famous brands they usually don't use this process, maybe because of its cost! This is the case in Europe too! However, in Japan almost every cable company is performing this process on their cables.

The cables were sent for cryo treatment and once back, I will write down if there is any improvement!!???!

Because, Cryo treatment changes molecule structure of the metals, I guess I need to break-in (cook) those cables right after!?
@tecknik Did you need to break-in cables after cryo treatment?


Thank you very much guys for your comments.
The power cords came back today. I need to mount Ac plugs and run them for a few days for any eventual break-in process. I will share my experience on before and after Cryogenic process.
