Where to buy Eva Cassidy's Song Bird LP in the US

Anyone knows where to get the Song Bird LP in the US which was released by Hot Records a few weeks ago?
Just got my Eva Cassidy Songbird LP from Red Trumpet. It is indeed a lot better than the CD.
Hot Records is the company that release the LP. Blix Street is the production company of the CD.

Red Trumpet only has it as a pre-order item. I did place an order but it may takes weeks before I get my copy. So I was simply wondering if there is any mail order outlet that might already have the stock.

Since the Songbird CD really sounded pretty good, I couldn't help but wonder how good the LP might be. I also couldn't wait for them to release a vinyl version of the Blues Alley.
From one who would know, (I stand corrected), Songbird is being released from UK. I would try the ususal suspect's, such as Red Trumpet etc to try and order from.
I got word somehow that Songbird is being released on vinyl. I don't remember who is issuing the LP but it is not belix. I'll research and post. Should be great!
I've phone Blix Street last Thursday before I posted the question and they told me they never had it.
It was clear. BlixStreet distributed the cd and I called them and asked about the lp.
Sorry, guys, if I didn't make myself clear. I knew where to buy and already bought the CD. But it is the vinyl that I am looking for.
I have seen this CD in several local Best Buys in the rock and roll section. They have quite a few of her CD's.
Blix Street Records will have it out in the US in a few months. You can email them at blixstreet@aol.com
