Where to buy bases w/spikes for floor standers???

Where can you buy bases or stands with spikes for floor standing speakers?. I'm wondering if there are any available like what is used on the Sonus Faber Grand Pianno's. I know Sound Anchor makes some, but I don't find them very attractive. Esthetics are very important to me. They will be used with a pair of Vienna Acoustic Mozarts which have a footprint that measures 6.7"wide x 11.6" deep.

Thanks in advance,
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A little off topic, but not too far. I need a set of spikes (8) for Linn Index factory stands I got used. Linn says all gone at the factory. Anyone know the thread size or have any other ideas? Its for a second system and spikes are not absolutely necessary, but the central column is attached to the speaker with 2 threaded bolts that extend below the bottom of the stand, so I really need a way to lift the stands off the floor by about 0/5" or so. Its for a second system and spikes are not absolutely necessary, but as it is now, I have to use wobble wedges just to keep them upright.