Where s the bass?

My system - Sony CD player, Pass Labs X0 preamp & X600 amps, Thiel 7.2 and Transparent Reference cables. I believe the sound is open, transparent, and dynamics. However I just wish I could put an emphasis on the bottom end. Tone controls are not available on high quality Class A preamps, such as the X0. While I understand that adding one more component in the signal paths is not desirable as it will further degrade the sound, I would like to hear your opinions on the best way to boost the bottom end. Thank you.
Interconnects are not tone controls, but otherwise I agree with Estrnad. You should consider getting a REL subwoofer.
The pass stuff has great bass and slam, the one weak link i,d say is the sony.
While my $500 Sony is far from Class A - I know it can put out great bass. The bass was there with the BAT VK-60 tube amp, which is one-tenth the power of the Pass X600. I'm not saying the bass is gone with the Pass - I just felt that the bass was de-emphasis somehow with more energy at the midrange and up with the Pass. Maybe it's a good thing and I just need to get used to it. I wonder what you would do to boost the bottom end OR roll-off the high end slightly. Perhaps I should leave it alone.
I have had bass problems with the Transparent/Thiel como as well. While there seems to be no problem with the interconnects, there is definetly an interaction with the speaker cables! I own the Thiel CS6 speakers and now use MIT cables.
If you like the general sound and would like to add bass, try a good power cord on the player. I added two BMI Whale PC's to my system and one of the many benefits was added low frequecncy response (information that I never heard with the other after market cords that I have tried). I use them on the DAC and player and have not tried them on the amp yet.