Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?

For those that don’t know me I am newish to this game. Yes, I believe this chase for perfection in sound reproduction is a game. There are endless variables affecting the sound of every system and 100x that in opinions on each of these variables. I love cool $hit as much as the next guy but I am looking for an analog rig and I keep getting drawn into the seemingly endless "what about this option that costs tons more?". I started with a $6 to $10K budget and now I am considering a $25K setup (Table, cart and phono stage) after talking to a local retailer. I will be blunt, I want to be that guy in the Memorex ad from the 80’s that is getting blown away by his system (my impression is he is overwhelmed by the amazing sound coming from that speaker not the volume). Now that I have acquired some pretty descent stuff I am spending 15 plus hours each week listening and really enjoying this hobby. I don’t want to have any regrets and just be marginally satisfied with my setup but where do I draw the line? Back to my initial question; what is a reasonable amount to spend on an analog setup to achieve the best bang for the buck? I may be somewhat unique in that I don’t want to constantly be upgrading my equipment, I just want to buy great products the first time that are very satisfying and spend hours listening to great music. I don’t want to be the guy always chasing the next great thing.

Showing 1 response by desktopguy

While it's tempting to focus on money (this entire thread does exactly that), as usual with audio gear and money, other things matter so much more. For example, I'm stunned to find almost no mention of MUSIC in this thread--certainly little if any from the fellow that started it.

And that's where I would want to begin this conversation. I couldn't start to understand his wants and needs without understanding what he started listening to in the first place--why he amassed all this pricey equipment at all. It totally matters whether he loves music (if so, what kinds?); vs just uses it for background, or for system demos (hey, it happens, just like w/Porsches--you think they're all used on racetracks?). Does he play an instrument? What's his connection to music in general?

Even for someone with far deeper pockets than most of  us, simply chasing ever more expensive gear is just an open-ended form of frustration...a gerbil wheel you never get off...unless the "pleasure principal" that underlying the whole enterprise is defined & confronted. Unless, that is, the only pleasure in sight is acquisition of hardware. In which case we're all just flailing in unison on this string.