Where is best to sell old Brociner tube amp?

I recently inherited a bunch of old audio equipment, including a Brociner tube amp (it's labeled a BR100, but seems identical to the CL-1 I saw pictures of online). I am trying to figure out where to sell it; any suggestions appreciated.

Czarivey, I have no knowledge of the model numbers mentioned by the OP, but any Brociner equipment probably dates from between the late 1940s and the late 1950s. It is probably not worth a great deal, but will be of some interest to collectors and enthusiasts of vintage tube equipment. As with any vintage equipment, its condition will greatly affect its value.

Victor Brociner was a distinguished figure in the early days of hifi. He was a co-founder of Avery Fisher's first company, Philharmonic Radio, and then founded and ran Brociner Electronics during the timeframe I mentioned, I believe in New York City. Subsequently he worked at University Loudspeakers, H. H. Scott, and Avid Corp., during their heydays.

-- Al
I'm big fan of H.H.Scott electronics, but had no idea about Brociner amps though. If I measure one by how H.H.Scott being valued, I'd probably be correct or wrong by a notch. There are figures for as-is unit and there are figures for fully restored one. This could be obtained from ebay and they're running somewhere between $300 and $800 depending on condition. Some of them even having an original detailed user manuals with complete schematics.

One more point, The post had been passed by moderators, and for new members they evaluate posts manually. So I see no reason to bash a new member for legit question.
Hey there--

Thanks for the response. For the record, I didn't post this here in hopes of someone blindly offering to buy my unit. I got to Audiogon through a long and complicated route and figured you folks had much more knowledge of this stuff that I do.

Again, thanks for the responses.