Where have the long-time regulars gone?

With the holiday season here, I find myself thinking about friends and acquaintances, as well as the good people I have met here on Audiogon. Next month will mark the start of my fourth year of participation on Audiogon, so it is with regret that I note how many of the long-time "regulars" who began this forum are no longer making posts (at least not with any regularity).

I miss the spirited exchange and occasionally sharp differences of opinion that were aired here (although I don't miss the nastiness that sometimes crept into some posts). I always enjoyed and/or learned from the posts by folks such as Albertporter, Cornfedboy , Garfish, Bob Bundus, Tireguy, Trelja, Sc53, and others, and the forum section is the poorer for their absence.

So, I pose a 2-part question: where have the long-time regulars gone, and what will it take for them to return so that this forum section regains its vitality of old?

Showing 1 response by garfish

Hi Scott; I've wondered that too, and to some extent I've just become a "lurker" here on the 'Gon. I've also been spending a great deal of time learning digital photography software, printing etc., but still find time to check the daily ads and look in on the Forum threads.

But times change and people move on. I think you and I and the other "old" regulars you mentioned have all been through all/most of the really controversial high end audio issues, and are not much interested in doing it again, eg analog vs digital, tubes vs solid state, AB and blind testing, Krell vs everything else, value of expensive power cords, do tweaks work, CD vs LP, pre-amp vs direct to amp, etc. etc. etc.

The Forum, now being moderated, has become much more civil, and there are so many technically specific questions/observations that only a few-- if any can comment on them. I do think the group you mentioned-- and many others too, eg Swampwalker, Danvetc, Tubegroover, Redkiwi, David99, Treyhoss, Angela100-- were here at a transitional time for the Audiogon.

We all went through the "flame wars" for many months, and I'd like to think that if I've/we've contributed anything to the Forum, it was in helping Audiogon usher in a sense of courtesy, civility, and community while still providing knowledge and maintaining the vitality you mention. BTW, and IMO, the best post I ever made was a response to a neophyte who wanted to know what a pre-amp is-- I gave a simple explanation that was much appreciated.

There is now a new group of intelligent and very articulate "regulars" who have taken up the cause of high end audio here on the 'Gon, and I see the Forum as being in "good hands".

I hope all the above hasn't been too maudlin (foolishly sentimantal). Cheers. Craig