Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious

Showing 1 response by zaikesman

Mine is a nickname given me by my younger brother when we were kids, itself a suffixed version of a corruption of his original attempt at pronouncing my actual name when he was a toddler, and couldn't quite say it: "Aikes" (silent "a", long "i" sound, silent "e" - rhymes with "likes") + "Z" = "Zaikes", + "-man" = "Zaikesman" (to say it like my brother, the "a" in the "-man" part should be swallowed short, not enunciated). Did anybody guess that my name is Alex?

P.S. - Cham, I'm jazzed to find another fan of Birdy and the boys in these parts!