where does one buy leadshots for loading spkrs?

as you can see, i am somewhat new to this hobby. i have a pair of totem arro's and trying to tighten the bass by loading down the speakers. there is a hole in the back and i assume that is what it is for. i was told leadshots work better than sand or better yet a mixture of both. any inputs pertaining to the arro's will be welcome.
curtis. p.s. i use a rega planar3 with audiotechnica m44e and heavyweight on the rb300. also a bryston b60 and an acurus phonostage. much thanks.

Showing 1 response by whatjd

Let's see......

Lead has been banned from paint since 1978.....a 10k Federal fine if homes built prior to 1978 don't have a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure provided to potential buyers when marketed.

Lead has been banned from auto fuel for many years...

Several states have banned lead shot because of water and waterfoul polution/health concerns...

Try to find a different solution rather than lead shot.