where does one buy leadshots for loading spkrs?

as you can see, i am somewhat new to this hobby. i have a pair of totem arro's and trying to tighten the bass by loading down the speakers. there is a hole in the back and i assume that is what it is for. i was told leadshots work better than sand or better yet a mixture of both. any inputs pertaining to the arro's will be welcome.
curtis. p.s. i use a rega planar3 with audiotechnica m44e and heavyweight on the rb300. also a bryston b60 and an acurus phonostage. much thanks.

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

whatever your choice of heavy metal (i use spent uranium; kinda' cool havin' all my led's change overnight from orange to green), mix it with silica sand or kitty litter. really. these mixtures are sonically superior to lead alone. -cfb