Where does a sellers responsibility stop?

I have a ethics question that I need some input about. I just sold my pre amp to a buyer who made a local pickup. The pre has always worked flawlessly. He demoed it and then we took it out of my system. I started to remove the top to take out the tubes and pack them as they were when I purchased the unit. He said not to bother and so we packed it in all the original boxes.
He called me 3 hours later and said that the pre amp doesn't turn on. I told him that it had never had a problem like that before but, he was welcome to return it. He seemed really miffed at me like I cheated him. Now the problem is, I will be refunding his money but, how will I know that he didn't drop or short out or whatever the unit ?
Did my responsibility stop once it left the door?

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

This is a hard question for me. I remember I sold a pair of headphones and a year later the buyer is complaining to me that I modified the headphones and screwed stuff up in the process. I told him I did no such modifications and just plugged them in and played them which was the truth. I gently reminded him that it had been a year and if he had a problem why wasn't I notified a lot earlier. I would have taken action then.

Now whenever I sell I do a full test before I ship the item out if it has been sitting for awhile. I'll also state up front that this is an as/is sale and No Buying/Trying/and Returning if the gear doesn't have synergy with your system.