Where does a sellers responsibility stop?

I have a ethics question that I need some input about. I just sold my pre amp to a buyer who made a local pickup. The pre has always worked flawlessly. He demoed it and then we took it out of my system. I started to remove the top to take out the tubes and pack them as they were when I purchased the unit. He said not to bother and so we packed it in all the original boxes.
He called me 3 hours later and said that the pre amp doesn't turn on. I told him that it had never had a problem like that before but, he was welcome to return it. He seemed really miffed at me like I cheated him. Now the problem is, I will be refunding his money but, how will I know that he didn't drop or short out or whatever the unit ?
Did my responsibility stop once it left the door?

Showing 1 response by coouugar

Agaffer, your responsibility stop when he stopped you from removing the tubes because the unit was working properly and he seen that it was. Removing the tubes was the proper procedure but when he stepped in and stopped you then all responsibility was shifted from you to him. You should had made that clear to him that not removing the tubes could create problems due to the vibration during transport and that you would not be responsible if anything goes wrong once the unit left your house. Sometime you have to be strick about this that's the only way you can protect yourself, I had a customer do the same thing to me but when I told him I would not be responsible for any problem due to not removing the tubes he then said "go ahead and remove the tubes". Sorry you have to go through this. Let us know how it turns out!
