Where do you start? Is there any hope?

With all of the information to process, where does someone start. I love both music and movies, but want to get the best 2 channel I can for the money.

I would like to get into a cd system that will let me enjoy variuos types of music. But I am on a Cracker Jack budget.

Is it possible to get started with about $500.00 or should I just buy the IPOD and some headphones?
Variable volume is simply a level control on a cd player, so when you hook it directly to an amp, it becomes your volume control, this is a very good way to go for both cost and sound quality, less equipment in your path will give you the best sound possible, and in your case save you money aswell.
As for sound dynamics rts3 that is simply a model number of a peice of equipment....I think a speaker but dont quote me