Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?

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Philadelphia, PA in 1972.  I don't remember the hi-fi store. It's long one.  I bought a Kenwood receiver, Dual 1215 turntable with a no-name cartridge and KLH 17 speakers with zip cord for cables and little RCA interconnects - all for $500 total.  A few months later I purchased a Nakamichi 1000 cassette recorder/player with Dolby B and Dolby C. They served me well.