where could I get an armboard custom made?

the armboards from the manufacturer, for a Thorens TD-850, have a vta-adjustment collar which makes them suboptimal for my Origin Live arm. The arm is ostensibly a Rega-type arm, but it has an integral vta adjustor that makes it not quite right with the factory armboard, hence the need to have one made. Any help would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by ths364

If it is made of wood and you have dimensions, both the overall size, and a diagram or template for the tonearm cut-out a decent cabinetmaker should be able to make one for you. If you don't know anybody that does high-quality or close tolerance woodworking, you're welcome to contact me if it's not a violation of any Audiogon forum policy.
Perhaps you can obtain a blank one here.The Thorens distributor for the US is WS Dist. LLC. They're located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ph# (616)885-9809 or email, Sales@WSdistributing.com
I found this link on the Thorens homepage. Hope it helps