Where can I buy Monitor Audio speakers on the web?

I'm thinking of buying a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 2's but I'm having a hard time finding a dealer on the net. I have no local dealer. thanks

Showing 5 responses by natalie

If Monitor was 5 minutes from here I would be embarrased to admit it.
Reviews are bought and paid for every day in the Biz.
You missed the point which others have not.Dont buy anything you cant hear.
Billybob.Most people listen with thier ears.One's ability to spell and write have nothing to do with thier ability to hear.
Some guys can throw a ball 70 yards some guys can hit 70 Home runs.Some people can write novel's.We can all hear billybob.
Have you heard them.If you have not you should.I have yet to be impressed with any of their speakers.
There is a lot of overpriced over hyped let the sheep follow products out here.
Remeber it better to be smart than rich when it comes to buying audio gear.
I hear a ton of junk that have money marketing hype on theier side and sheep like you that follow.But garbage out.
Monitor Audio is not worth the money they want at its price point.Period.The Marketing they do put the speaker in a higher price range than it desrves to be based on sonic performance.
I dont own one piece of Sonic Gear.I just know whats going on.The factory is 2 minutes from Home.
When I sit in front of a speaker that sell's for 5k I should be left with a good feeling.
This does not happen when I sit in front of Monitor Audio gear.
One Local dealer has it set up with CJ gear and uses A3CD Player.This set up should sound good.It does not.its not musical.Just lacking and does not get me taping my foot.
At an Audio show they dealer had A Musical Fidelity Nu Vista set up pre amp Cd player and Various Monitor speakers.
Sounded ok but for the $ involved it did not get me exicted.I took the same CD to other rooms and listened to many systems that where more involving.
My main comment was do not buy without listining to a speaker.
Listen for yourself.
You don need to be smart to figure out that audio magazine's are in the business of selling add's.Thats all they do.Do you think they will give a negative review to anyone who takes out full page color add's.
Monitor is not a one man band.
The North American Distributor is based out of Pickering Ontario East Of Toronto.Kevvro International.They are a large Conglomorate.