Where are the female Audiophiles?

Based on my limited experience, I would guess that 98% of Audiophiles are male. But 51% of our population is female. What gives?

In this age where females and males are equally represented in Universities and in the Professions, why is this still true?

I would guess that it is a cultural thing, can't be genetic can it?
Is it different in other parts of the World?

Showing 1 response by markphd

Liking music and being an audiophile are not necessarily the same thing. Of course, women like music just like men. It's the "techie" side of the hobby that they are not attracted to. And this is an important part of the hobby for many men. Many women aren't interested in it for the same reason that they are not interested in car mechanics, plumbing or engineering. It's a broader societal issue involving related topics such as occupational and gender stereotyping which is taught from infancy. Then throw in a little bit of genetic hard wiring, although the extent and the way this modifies things is unknown. There are not a lot of female audiophiles for the same reason that there are not a lot of male secretaries. And by the way, when was the last time you guys bought a pink outfit for your baby boy or enrolled him in ballet class?